For my magazine I was aiming for a mainstream look, a strong theme of red throughout and a stylish look to it to target a more youthful audience. I wanted my masthead to be less strong, but I want the image to be the main focus of attention in order to attract the reader’s attention with the bold image which is the centre of focus.
By referring to my questionnaire results, I decided to price the magazine at £1.50 because I feel it is in most peoples price ranges and is very much affordable for the teenagers who have pocket money etc. In my questionnaire, 60% of people would pay £1 to £1.50 for the magazine, hense the reason I came to this conclusion.
However, So far, I am not entirely happy with my front cover as I was hoping for it to look a lot more professional with the similar font of 'VOGUE'. However, I decided that I will carry on with the stylish younger look to it to try and turn it around into making it look more stylish than tacky etc.
However, the POP music magazine look that I am going for over shines the parts that I am not so happy with.
To improve the parts that I am not so happy with, though, I could:
1. Experiment and try out different fonts and styles to help make the magazine pop and brighten up in order to attract the reader’s attention. The sell lines are now my main focus in terms of making them stand out and bringing the magazine to life.
2 In order to achieve an interesting and captivating magazine, I need to include less and larger writing and fonts rather than more writing in a smaller font. This is to make the sell lines stand out and to gain a lot more attention. This is to also avoid the large amount of 'dead' space that could be filled to make it look like there's a lot going on and to avoid the boredom of the reader if they're faced with this.
3. I also need to add shadows to my sell lines to make it more 3D like in order to connect with the reader and make them feel more involved. By doing so, the reader will feel more passionate about the magazine and want to read on.
On the other hand, parts in which I feel I don't need to edit the magazine are:
1. The colours of the text so far because I like the house style that I've used throughout. It reminds the reader that it is the typical colours for music magazines, helping them recognise that the colours are usually related to POP music magazines. This then immediately stands out to the reader as a relevant magazine for what they're looking for.
2. I love the '+' sign that matched the splattered top as it has the same look to it but in red and white. I feel it complements the t-shirt and takes up unusable dead space that won't be able to fit anymore sell lines in.
However, the POP music magazine look that I am going for over shines the parts that I am not so happy with.
To improve the parts that I am not so happy with, though, I could:
1. Experiment and try out different fonts and styles to help make the magazine pop and brighten up in order to attract the reader’s attention. The sell lines are now my main focus in terms of making them stand out and bringing the magazine to life.
2 In order to achieve an interesting and captivating magazine, I need to include less and larger writing and fonts rather than more writing in a smaller font. This is to make the sell lines stand out and to gain a lot more attention. This is to also avoid the large amount of 'dead' space that could be filled to make it look like there's a lot going on and to avoid the boredom of the reader if they're faced with this.
3. I also need to add shadows to my sell lines to make it more 3D like in order to connect with the reader and make them feel more involved. By doing so, the reader will feel more passionate about the magazine and want to read on.
On the other hand, parts in which I feel I don't need to edit the magazine are:
1. The colours of the text so far because I like the house style that I've used throughout. It reminds the reader that it is the typical colours for music magazines, helping them recognise that the colours are usually related to POP music magazines. This then immediately stands out to the reader as a relevant magazine for what they're looking for.
2. I love the '+' sign that matched the splattered top as it has the same look to it but in red and white. I feel it complements the t-shirt and takes up unusable dead space that won't be able to fit anymore sell lines in.