Saturday, 19 March 2016

Contents Page Progress - 3

Since the last time I posted on my blog, I have added a significant amount of information to my contents page. For the past few days I have been concentrating on adding catchy and entertaining content for the page in order to captivate my target audience which I feel I have done so, mostly. I also like the font of the statements underneath the 'REGULARS' subheading. I feel it compliments the capital letters of the subheadings above.

 I feel that if I include reasonably cheerful and amusing information on my contents page, then it's more likely for the reader to read on and want to look more into the magazine. Underneath 'BRIT HITS TOP 30' I included the statement 'Lilly Black steals the No.1 spot from Adele, find out how'. I decided to include this underneath as it ties in with the front cover when I included a snippet of information in the pug. I wanted this to be one of the first things for the reader to read because after all, the magazine is a POP music magazine and it's the main reason why the target audience pick it up.

One of my favourite pieces of information on the contents page is underneath 'FANS ASK QUESTIONS'. I decided to put ''Get Lucky' by asking Jason Derulo a question on the BRIT HITS website'. Jason Derulo, the POP artists song is called 'Get Lucky'. Because this song is currently popular amoungst my target audience, they will understand the entertaining way that the statement was put together and it would intrigue them to read the rest of the magazine. It also hints that they'd 'Get Lucky' if they ask a question on the Brit Hits website. i think its a clever way to direct the fans of Jason Derulo to BRIT HITS website. When they are on the website, they are then a lot more vulnerable to buy merchandise, music or other products that is advertised on the website. I also love the way that the statement doesn't give too much away, making it a lot more exciting for the readers to maybe discuss, maybe online making friends and wondering why they'd 'Get Lucky' by asking the artist a question. It hypes the reader up for maybe a prize or something exciting that might happen that the magazine arranges for them.

I also love the statement 'If it isn't the crazy cat videos or the "Damn Daniel!" craze, then of course, it has to be Madonna's fall on stage...'. This is under the heading 'WHAT'S POPULAR ONLINE?'. I feel the way this is written meets the criteria of how to target my audience. It is informal, interesting, it includes the most popular videos online amoungst 14-25 year olds that is constructed to rhyme. All of this as a combination makes it humerous and highly entertaining for the reader to discuss with someone right away. I took the three most trending videos online, 'crazy cat videos', "Damn Daniel!" and 'Madonna's fall on stage' and managed to include it all under the 'POPULAR ONLINE' heading. This clearly shows that 'Madonna's fall on stage' was the most popular video online and displays it in a way that the readers will find equally funny and catchy.

The 'BRIT HITS INTERVIEW' next to the main image on the contents page is filled in also. I have included a snippet of information and written it in a way that leaves the reader wanting more. I feel I have accomplished the fact that it informs the reader with what the interview is about, but also I haven't given away too much which makes them want to read on. The fact that I included the words, 'one of the most serious interviews we've had' intrigues my target audience and makes them shocked that a not so serious artist 'opens up to reveal his more emotional side'. This was deliberately added to suprise the reader into picking up the magazine.

Overall, so far I like how the contents page is turning out because I feel like I have kept to my original plan, without it looking overly different which is what I wanted.I love the way my subheads have turned out and the fact that I have managed to fit all the information on without it looking overly small. I also like the fonts I have used and making the font size and boldness apparent in appropriate places.

I am going to continue working on my contents page to come up with a clever statement underneath the three artists images and to fill in the 'REVIEWS' section.

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